
Q&A with Dr. Ellie: Looking for Data

Every month Dr. Ellie Phillips will answer your oral health questions as part of the Ultimate Oral Health Guide.


Hello Dr. Phillips,

I’ve purchased the parts to your Complete Mouth Care System and have presented the program to my husband.  He is interested in what type of data you have assembled to support the use of your system.  Do you have actual data – control and experimental groups, etc?  

Sincerely, S.C



Hi S. C,

The answer to your question is in my book Kiss Your Dentist Goodbye. In the book I describe how I became interested in finding a way to control dental disease. The book describes the science of cavities and gum disease and explains why people have dental problems. Cavities and gum disease don’t suddenly or mysteriously “happen”. It’s not natural for teeth to weaken, darken, die, or fall out. There are specific risk factors that make it more likely for people to develop cavities or gum disease, and there are ways to minimize, stop, and even reverse this damage, before it ruins your oral health.

Once you understand how risk factors impact teeth, you understand why the biochemistry of my system works. I discovered the effectiveness of this routine in my own practice during my early years as a dentist, long before I saw any need for documentation. I talked with patients about the home care products they used and noticed the outcome they achieved. People with great teeth seemed to use similar products and patients with bad teeth were using other products. It made sense to suggest those with cavities or gum disease try a different home care regimen – and together we observed the results.

Not only does the science “fit” but patients saw the amazing outcome when they followed my directions. Years later, I needed to help people who had no money for dental treatments. Some had been told they had gum disease and needed thousands of dollars for gum surgery, while others needed fillings. I knew xylitol and my system of rinses would help. These people discovered their cavities reversed (by re-mineralization) and their gum disease resolved in a few months. I guess it’s amazing to some people, but many dentists have witnessed these changes and even decided to use this system themselves.

I don’t mind if people listen to me or not. I have no financial interest in promoting specific rinses – yet I spend countless hours telling people about them. I guess I could have decided to re-create the products, brand them, and make this my own “miracle system”.  Instead I decided to be a teacher and let people access these relatively inexpensive products at their local stores. I have offered my help freely through my website and book, working to assist those who need to improve their oral health.

All the products I suggest are respected and have been used for decades, with supporting studies of their own. I cannot do a controlled experiment – and the companies behind Closys, Crest, Listerine and ACT are not interested in promoting what I suggest. The profit margins on their newer and more marketable products are probably much higher than the products I recommend!

I am here to help anyone who wants help – especially those who cannot afford dental treatments. There is a large body of research to support xylitol and the synergistic benefits of topical fluoride. The references and endnotes in my book may be useful if you want to explore the studies. When you understand the science, you see why the traditional dental mantra makes no sense. It’s important which home care products we use, especially if you are at risk for dental disease. The Complete Mouth Care System helps control problematic risk factors and manage demineralization, plaque, and the proliferation of unhealthy bacteria. Xylitol will balance the oral flora and work in harmony with good nutrition to sustain oral health.

I hope this answers your question!

Dr. Ellie


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For more information on oral health and xylitol, please visit all of Dr. Ellie’s web-sites:

Zellies.com – learn more & order your Zellies Xylitol & the Complete Mouth Care System
Dr. Ellie.com – a great resource for learning more about oral health & Dr. Ellie
Dr. E Oral Health Coaching – articles, resources and videos to help you learn more

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