In the US we have an epidemic of cavities in children’s teeth, but the facts are that fluoride has no power to prevent cavities. Cavities are caused by bacteria that erode holes in teeth, and fluoride does nothing to help us fight these bacteria (except at dangerously strong concentrations, when it works as a poison …read more

The Fluoride Debate: Why xylitol is a better ally when it comes to preventing cavities

Every month Dr. Ellie Phillips will answer your oral health questions as part of the Ultimate Oral Health Guide.   ———– Q: Are the gums on the market – such as Trident – effective at delivering xylitol? Also, I make lemonade with xylitol in the summer and my kids don’t know the difference. Is that not …read more

Q&A with Dr. Ellie: Not all xylitol products are the same

This picture shows two kinds of white spots. Some of these white patches are likely the result of exposure to too much fluoride as the patient’s teeth were developing. Fluorosis, as this is called, is a condition where cells that form enamel, die. Studies show this damage can occur in young children (under the age of …read more

White Spots: Is it Fluorosis or Demineralization?

The chances are that if you grew up in the US you have been well instructed in the art of brushing and flossing. I have seen people in braces struggling to thread floss around the wires and elastics of the appliances and older folks who could not stitch a button on a coat be instructed …read more

Black Triangles: Is It Time to Stop Flossing?

You must have noticed whitening rinses on store shelves and maybe contemplated using them. These products are tempting, but don’t fall for those shiny, white bottles! Remember the bottle is made of plastic and nothing like your tooth enamel. These bottles are such an excellent marketing tool, because they make you subconsciously imagine this product …read more

The Dark Side of Whitening

Zellies Junior Tropical Fruit Polar Bears are melt-in-your-mouth candies made with the finest european birch xylitol. Zellies Junior Tropical Fruit Polar Bears are All-Natural and do not contain any artificial sweeteners, colors or flavors (that’s why we’ve made them pure white Polar Bears!). Each Polar Bear contains 2.0 grams of xylitol. To have sufficient xylitol …read more

Product Spotlight: Zellies Polar Bears – A Yummy (Tooth-Friendly) Xylitol Treat